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Build The Vote, a 501(c)(3), understands that an apathetic electorate invites destruction by a totalitarian agenda which is brought about by removing God from the culture, destroying, the U.S. Constitution, and by demonizing capitalism.
Build The Vote is dedicated to voter education, voter registration, and voter data collection in key battleground states. Through partnerships with community and religious organizations, Build The Vote empowers individuals and neighborhoods one vote at a time.
Build The Vote
We conduct focus groups and polling of voters in state and local elections, in key battleground states.
We conduct ecumenical leadership meetings to educate and engage church congregations to encourage greater participation in the civic and political process.
We target and deploy BTV Volunteers to targeted precincts and polling places to help educate and turn out all voters, with a focus on black voters in state and federal elections.
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Become A Part Of Great Work Today
Join us and help educate and turn out all voters, with a focus on black voters in state and federal elections.